Saturday, March 14, 2015


"You are what you eat". Diet obviously is the  most important constituent when it comes to staying fit and healthy. So eat right and your body gets nourished.

Add foods to your diet instead of subtracting them:-Add in healthy goodies you really like,like deep-red cherries, juicy grapes, etc. Do remember to keep an eye on the overall calories.


Lighten the foods you already like:- One of the easiest ways to cut back without feeling denied is to switch to lower-calorie versions of the foods you crave. A pizza tastes just as good with reduced fat cheese!

Add in something physical:- Do a few dance moves before dinner or take a quick walk around corner to burn your calories. Walking-when the weather's nice-is an easy way to keep fit. Invigorate your muscles with activities like bike riding, grass walking, hiking, car washing,dog chasing, etc.

Hydration helps:- Keep your body refreshed  with plenty of water . Dawning some water before meal means you won't feel so famished.

Eat less without feeling denied:-While a small portion served on a large plate can leave you craving more, a smaller plate gives the visual signal that you, already have more. So make use of this trick to trick your body.

Tune in and shake it up:- Try dancing to the music when you tune into your favorite song or practice some stress relieving kick-boxing when your least favorite reality contestant is on camera.

Work out:- During commercials, pedal your stationery bike,walk the treadmill or slip in a little strength training doing bicep curls.

Avoid combining food with any activity:- Eat your meals at the table and avoid TV as it can distract and make you eat more.

Share,share and share:- At a party, always share your dinner -with your spouse,friend or colleague- to avoid consuming more. 

images  via google

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